Mark Bear

Picower Professor of Neuroscience
After postdoctoral work at the Max Planck Institute, Mark Bear joined the Brown medical faculty and was named a Howard Hughes Medical Investigator in 1996. In 2003, Bear joined the Picower faculty.

Emery N. Brown

Edward Hood Taplin Professor of Medical Engineering and Computational Neuroscience
A practicing anesthesiologist at Massachusetts General Hospital, Emery Brown is also a noted statistician and a member of the faculty of both the Picower Institute and Harvard Medical School.

Gloria Choi

Associate Professor, Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences
Before joining the MIT faculty in 2013, Choi received her bachelor’s degree from University of California, Berkeley, and her Ph.D. from Caltech. Then she was a postdoctoral research scientist in the laboratory of Richard Axel at Columbia University.

Kwanghun Chung

Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering and Neuroscience
Kwanghun Chung is a member of the faculty of the Picower Institute, the MIT Institute for Medical Engineering and Science, and MIT’s chemical engineering department. He is an associate member of the Broad Institute.

Linlin Fan

Assistant Professor of Brain and Cognitive Sciences
Linlin Fan joined the MIT and Picower Institute faculty in January 2024. Previously she worked as a postdoc at Stanford University after earning her PhD at Harvard.

Steven Flavell

HHMI Investigator
After completing his PhD at Harvard University and postdoctoral training at Rockefeller University, Steven Flavell joined the MIT faculty in 2016 as an assistant professor in the Picower Institute and the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences.

Myriam Heiman

John and Dorothy Wilson Associate Professor of Neuroscience, Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences
Myriam Heiman received her PhD from the John Hopkins University and her postdoctoral training at the Rockefeller University. In 2011, she joined the Picower Institute and the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences at MIT.

Troy Littleton

Menicon Professor in Neuroscience
Troy Littleton earned an MD and PhD from Baylor College of Medicine and completed postdoctoral training at the University of Wisconsin. He joined the faculties of the Picower Institute and the MIT Department of Biology in 2000.

Earl K. Miller

Picower Professor of Neuroscience
Earl K. Miller earned a PhD in psychology and neuroscience from Princeton, then pursued postdoctoral training at the National Institute of Mental Health. He joined MIT’s Picower Institute and Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences in 1995.

Elly Nedivi

William R. (1964) & Linda R. Young Professor of Neuroscience
Elly Nedivi earned a PhD in neuroscience from Stanford and completed postdoctoral training at The Weizmann Institute. In 1998, she joined MIT’s Picower Institute with joint appointments in the Departments of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, and Biology.

Sara Prescott

Pfizer-Laubach Career Development Assistant Professor of Biology
Sara Prescott investigates how sensory inputs from within the body control mammalian physiology and behavior

Mriganka Sur

Newton Professor of Neuroscience
Mriganka Sur is professor of neuroscience at Picower and also director of the Simons Center for the Social Brain at MIT, which he founded after 15 years as head of the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences.

Susumu Tonegawa

Picower Professor of Biology and Neuroscience, HHMI Investigator
Nobel laureate Susumu Tonegawa joined MIT’s Department of Biology and the MIT Center for Cancer Research in 1981. He founded MIT’s Center for Learning and Memory in 1994 and the Picower Institute in 2002.

Li-Huei Tsai

Picower Professor of Neuroscience
Li-Huei Tsai joined the faculty of Harvard Medical School in 1994. In 2006, she joined MIT’s Picower Institute and the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences and was named the Director of the Picower Institute in 2009.

Brady Weissbourd

Assistant Professor of Biology
Brady Weissbourd uses jellyfish to study nervous system evolution, development, regeneration, and function.

Matthew Wilson

Sherman Fairchild Professor in Neurobiology
With a PhD in computational and neural systems from the California Institute of Technology, Matthew Wilson joined the Picower Institute and MIT’s Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences in 1994.