Marie Carlen, Karolinska Institute, "Cortical PV interneurons, gamma oscillations, and attention"
Laura Colgin, UT Austin, "Gamma Oscillations in the Hippocampal Network"
Pascal Fries, Ernst Strüngmann Institute, "Rhythms for Cognition: Communication through Coherence"
Peter Jonas, IST Austria, "PV+ interneurons: Speed, energy efficiency and functional connectivity"
Nancy Kopell, Boston University, "Coordination of Brain Rhythms and Functional Implications"
Earl Miller, Picower Institute, MIT, "Working Memory 2.0"
Christopher Moore, Brown University, "What We've Been Missing: Fast-Spiking Cells that Lower Their Rate (Appear to) Regulate Pyramidal Timing During Successful Perception"
Jorge Palop, UCSF, "Network abnormalities and interneuron dysfunction in Alzheimer’s disease"
Annabelle Singer, Georgia Tech, "Decoding Memory in Health and Alzheimer’s disease"
Wolf Singer, Ernst Strüngmann Institute, "Temporal dynamics and information processing in the cerebral cortex"
Vikaas Sohal, UCSF, "Prefrontal gamma oscillations and behavioral flexibility"