A black and white brain shown in profile is decorated with red light bulbs on its surface. In one spot, a stencil for making the light bulbs, labeled "beta," is present. Nearby is a can of red spray paint labeled "gamma" with a little wave on it.
April 17, 2024
Paper: To understand cognition—and its dysfunction—neuroscientists must learn its rhythms
Two panels show diagonal streaks of green stained brain blood vessels over a background of blue cells. The green staining is much brighter in the left panel than in the right.
March 22, 2024
Movement disorder ALS and cognitive disorder FTLD show strong molecular overlaps, new study shows
A hand wearing a blue latex glove holds up a cell phone showing the image of a red-stained neuron
March 15, 2024
Livestreaming the Brain
Two panels on a black background show cells on the left lit brightly in green while the cells on the right show much less green and are mostly red.
March 6, 2024
A noninvasive treatment for “chemo brain”
A coronal cross-section of a mouse brain is stained blue. The entire outer edge and occasional points further inside are speckled with yellow-green dots. The background behind the brain is black.
February 28, 2024
How sensory gamma rhythm stimulation clears amyloid in Alzheimer’s mice

Down syndrome symposium highlights clinical, fundamental progress

November 20, 2020
Recent Events
Speakers describe studies to address Alzheimer’s disease, sleep apnea and to advance fundamental discoveries in cell and chromosome biology

Scientists identify specific brain region and circuits controlling attention

November 2, 2020
Research Findings
Study shows that norepinephrine producing neurons in the locus coeruleus produce attention focus, impulse control via two distinct connections to prefrontal cortex

Brown wins SfN’s Swartz Prize for Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience

October 26, 2020
Picower People
Award cites major contributions to statistical analysis of brain activity and advancing the neuroscience of anesthesia

Alzheimer’s risk gene disrupts endocytosis, but another disease-linked gene could help

October 6, 2020
Research Findings
Astrocytes with the APOE4 variant show deficits of key cellular function, but overexpressing PICALM overcame the defect

Neuroscientists discover a molecular mechanism that allows memories to form

October 5, 2020
Research Findings
Modifications to chromosomes in “engram” neurons control the encoding and retrieval of memories

Statistical model improves analysis of skin conductance

October 5, 2020
Research Findings
By accounting for sweat physiology, method can make better use of electrodermal activity for tracking subconscious changes in physical or emotional state

Symposium highlights numerous leads to combat neurodegeneration

September 24, 2020
Recent Events
In 10 talks, leading neuroscientists shared potential advances against Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Huntington’s and other diseases

Picower researcher earns BBRF Young Investigator grant

September 21, 2020
Picower People
Sur Lab postdoc Vincent Breton-Provencher will use award to study neurobiology underlying attention

From Biological Intelligence to Artificial Intelligence

September 17, 2020
Research Feature
How basic neuroscience research by Picower faculty has mattered to AI

Live imaging method brings structural information to mapping of brain function

September 17, 2020
Research Findings
Scientists distinguish brain regions based on what they do, but now have a new way to overlay information about how they are built

As information flows through brain’s heirarchy, higher regions use higher frequency waves

September 8, 2020
Research Findings
Study also finds specific frequency bands associated with encoding, or inhibiting encoding, of sensory information across the cortex

New trial to test brain wave stimulation as Alzheimer’s preventative

August 25, 2020
New Research
MIT, MGH join forces to test whether ‘GENUS’ stimulation of 40Hz rhythms can reduce disease pathology before onset of symptoms